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Cabell Huntington Selects PMMC For Denial Management
Blog Feature
PMMC Staff

By: PMMC Staff on August 31st, 2016

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Cabell Huntington Selects PMMC For Denial Management

We're pleased to announce that PMMC has been selected by Cabell Huntington Hospital (CHH) for contract management and denial management.


CHH, a 303 bed hospital located in Huntington, West Virginia, sought a contract management system to enhance its net accounts receivable process. In addition, CHH desired a better way to identify denials, which have been increasing due to more complex payer procedures and managed care expansion.

“We have seen a consistent increase in denials – a problem many hospitals are facing today,” said Greg Wageman, Director of Budgeting and Managed Care. “The ability to combine contract management and denial management is a big plus.”

Like many hospitals, CHH was previously using internal tools and analytics to manage its payer contracts, but recognized they could benefit from a more organized and systematic approach.  The addition of PMMC Contract PRO will address three important areas: denial management, reporting, and the ability to model payer contracts.

CHH will have access to more current payment information with “real-time” data. In addition, contract modeling can complement broader scenarios when evaluating new payer contract terms.

The implementation of PMMC Contract PRO, set to “go-live” on November 15, is in the final stages of data loading and contract set-up.

“The staff at PMMC has been a good partner throughout the implementation and we look forward to a smooth transition,” concluded Greg Wageman.

Click here to read the official press release.